The NZ Building EconomistMar 12, 2021Detailed Design Disruption ClaimsDissatisfied with No, No, No… ? ? ? When you can’t get a variation order because; [1] the matter can be objectively “interpreted as a...
The NZ Building EconomistSep 25, 2019Addicted to cashflow It is like oxygen to lungs or fire that burns brightly On the 25th subbies scribe their prayers politely.
The NZ Building EconomistSep 5, 2019So you think the Detailed Design is complete, and OK to price?It starts with the landowners vision, It ends with the landowners wallet, And in between… black magic happens. PROCESS OVERVIEW The...
The NZ Building EconomistJun 26, 2019The NZ Building Economist... A Native Bee-Building StoryTHE NZ BUILDING ECONOMIST... A NATIVE BEE-BUILDING STORY